Education, Training and Competition!
We are a club of dog sports enthusiasts in North Central Washington with our training center located in East Wenatchee, Washington. The mission of the Wenatchee Kennel Club (WKC) is to promote responsible pet ownership and to engage handlers and dogs in learning activities that exercise the brains and muscles of both handlers and dogs. We welcome all purebred and mixed breed dogs and their handlers who want to build great canine companionship. The Wenatchee Kennel Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
We offer dog training classes year-round for dog owners and handlers and their dogs. We teach you how to train your dog to get the behaviors you want using positive methods. You will love your dog even more through this process, which will reflect in your dog’s love for you. Our Pet Foundation classes include training for puppies through adult dogs.
Many of our classes are geared towards participation in various dog sports such as Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Tracking, Dog Shows (Conformation), Hunt Tests, and others. Generally, our 7-week classes begin every two months.
We host several events each year under the rules of the American Kennel Club. While we encourage membership, you don’t have to be a member to participate in our classes, events or general meetings.
Save the Dates!
If you have a truck or trailer to lend to the cause, please e-mail John Njus.
April 4th-6th
AKC Scent Work HD and Detective Trials
Multiple locations - See Premium for details
Entries opened March 5th
Entries close March 26, 6:00pm
Click for Premium
Click for Fillable Entry Form
April 22nd - 6pm
Registration opens for May-June classes.
April 27th
Apple Blossom Youth Day
Memorial Park
**Well behaved dogs and their owners needed**
E-mail: wkc@wenatcheekennelclub.com to volunteer
May 3rd-4th
“double-double” Hunt Tests
Master Elite (pending AKC approval)
Hughes Ranch - Almira, WA
Click here to find Premiums on our “Events” page
May 10th-11th
Agility Seminar
Instructor: Sam Cohen
Dogs must be able to perform full height obstacles
Wenatchee Kennel Club
Questions to Pam Pettit
Click here to register
May 16th-18th
Spring Scent Work Trial
Chelan County Expo Center Premium Fillable Entry Form
June 22nd - 6pm
Registration opens for July-August classes.
August 22nd - 6pm
Registration opens for September-October classes.
September 19th-21st
Fall Scent Work Trial
Chelan County Expo Center
October 10, 11, 12
WKC Agility Trial
Confluence State Park
October 17th-19th
All Breed Dog Show; Obedience; Rally; FAST CAT; Health Clinics
Chelan County Expo Center
October 22nd - 6pm
Registration opens for November-December classes.
December 20th - 6pm
Registration opens for January-February classes.
February 22nd 2026 - 6pm
Registration opens for March-April classes.
February 27th-March 1st 2026
WKC Agility Trial
Grant County Fairgrounds, Moses Lake
March 14th-15th 2026
AKC Tracking Tests
KV Ranch Palisades, WA
Tracking Dog (TD) and Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX)
and Programs
Our General Meetings are open to all who are interested in learning about our Club. Board Meetings are open to club members, except when the Board meets in executive session.
General Meetings are held at our training center on the last Monday of the month - unless otherwise noted. Start times vary.
April 28th - 5:30pm - Metcalf Ranch
Program: Intro to Lure Coursing/FastCAT. Dogs run from 5:30 to 7 pm. Bring seating/crate/water/shade.
June 30th - 6:30pm
Program: Intro to Fetch Dog – With Louise Day
August 25th - 6:30pm
Program: Picnic and Parkour Fun!
October 27th - 6pm
Halloween Party
November 23rd - 6pm
Photos with Santa - No Meeting
January - 6pm - Masonic Lodge
Annual membership dinner and awards ceremony. Guests can attend with a club member. $20 per guest.
February TBD
Program: TBD
Club News
It’s that time of year again! Please nominate Your club for the “Best of” in 2025!
Click HERE every day through March 24th to write “Wenatchee Kennel Club” in under “Professional Services - Dog Training”
2025 Board of Directors
Louise Day - President
Lew Wagman - Vice President
Willard Fields - Treasurer
Kelly Boreson - Secretary
Carla Duncan - Director
John Njus - Director
Maggy Susman - Director
Chuck St. John - Past-President
Board of Director meetings are held at our training center (Pheasant Room) on the first Monday of the month - 6pm - unless otherwise noted
February 3rd; March 3rd; April 7th; May 5th; June 2nd; July 7th; August 4th; September 8th; October 6th; November 3rd; December 1st
Video Highlight:
WKC Progress: A Brief History
Past & Current - 2025 Edition
Professional Services/Dog Training
WKC Featured Pups - Miska and Topaz
Miska and Topaz hiking/camping Borrego Springs State Park, CA.
Submitted by Dianne G.
Miska (8) and Topaz (4) are Tibetan Terriers from Angel’s Tibetan Terriers of Oregon. They are sweet, funny, smart, stubborn and my constant companions and guarders of the court we live on. Miska is my “cat”, she loves being with you and will always choose to be with you… just out of arms reach; but the love in her eyes and the closeness is constant and full of joy. Topaz on the other hand wants to be in your lap constantly and always lays as close as she can get, preferably with your hand loving her continuously. She has never found a lap that she didn’t try to sit on and always enjoys a new lap! Miska and I started an Agility for Fun class in 2017 with the intent of not trialing but having fun. Fun we had! When we moved to Wenatchee, it was a high priority that there would be an agility training facility to continue playing with Miska. We have been a part of the Wenatchee Kennel Club since 2018 when we moved to Wenatchee. Miska and Topaz both participate in Agility and Scent Work. Miska constantly shows her independence and stubbornness in both sports. She can “perform” with the best… if she wants to. Topaz loves to play both Agility and Scent Work. Topaz feels that it should always be her turn and doesn’t understand why it is not her turn. We only participate in the Wenatchee Kennel Club Trials in both sports, so trials are few and far between. In between trials, we all like to walk/hike, kayak and camp. We have a small travel trailer, we love our road trips. Happy tails all around when the trailer comes home, the two pups are usually first in the truck ready to go. The four of us can never get enough of being outside and enjoying God’s beautiful country. We are on the go as often as possible.
Miska at the recent WKC Agility Trial.
Topaz at the recent WKC Agility Trial.
Kayaking in Deep Lake, WA.
Hiking/Camping Kootenay National Park, BC, Canada.
Hiking/Camping Valley of Fire State Park, NV.
We’d love to feature YOUR pup(s)! Send your favorite photos and a bio to wkc@wenatcheekennelclub.com and we’ll make your pup(s) famous! :)