Membership Dues
New Membership and Renewals

WKC’s Membership year runs from Feb 1st to Jan 31st. Member dues are payable on or before Jan. 31st. If you fail to pay your dues by Jan. 31st, your membership will automatically lapse, and you will no longer have member benefits. If you wish to be reinstated to membership, please contact the Membership Chairman at Please write "Membership" in the subject line.

You may pay online by pressing the blue button below and providing payment information.
Online payments include a $2 Convenience Fee

You may also pay your dues by check or money order at the Annual Banquet in late January, or mail your check to:

Willard Fields, Treasurer
Wenatchee Kennel Club
Po. Box 805
Wenatchee, WA 98807

Individual Membership
One Adult (18 or over) - $30/year

Family Membership
Adults & children in the same household - $45/year

Junior Membership
ONE CHILD Aged 9 to 18- $15/year