Six Class Sessions: Jan-Feb; Mar-Apr; May-June; July-Aug; Sept-Oct and Nov-Dec
The upcoming class schedule is published on the 22nd of the month preceding the start of the next session.
Most classes have limited enrollment so we encourage you to register early.
All classes require pre-registration unless otherwise noted.
All classes except Beginner Puppy can be repeated as needed.
Please note that dogs must not display aggression toward people or other dogs to attend.
If the instructor thinks you or your dog are not suitable for this group class, you will be excused.
Bitches in season (BIS) must wear panties.
We reserve the right to cancel any class with less than 3 dogs.
There will be no refunds for unused classes. Refunds before the session starts will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
All persons on Wenatchee Kennel Club property must comply with the various local, state and federal COVID-19 requirements.
Please do not enter Wenatchee Kennel Club property while exhibiting any of the symptoms of COVID-19.
Classes are open to the general public and all breeds of dogs, including mixed breeds, are welcome.
Unless otherwise noted, classes will be at our training facility at 200 1st Street S.E, East Wenatchee.
Questions? Review the FAQs here. If you do not find an answer to your question, send an email to wkc@wenatcheekennelclub.com or leave a message at 509-886-DOGS (886-3647).
General Pricing
$105 to $125 for 7-week class
Seminars and other non-standard offerings vary in cost
Club Members may take a $10 discount from the amount of each class attending.
Seminars and non-standard offerings excluded.
Typical Class Offerings
This page contains a semi-comprensive listing of classes that may or may not be taught each training session.
Some classes are seasonal and some offered by popular demand.
** All classes are based on the availability of our volunteer instructors and assistants. **
Please go to our registration page for current offerings.
FOUNDATION TRAINING: Puppy, Beginner Dog, Basic Obedience
COMPANION SPORTS: Agility, Rally Obedience, Tracking
FAMILY DOG PROGRAMS: Fetch Dog, Trick Dog, Therapy Dog
Foundation Training
Beginner Puppy
Start HERE for pups that are at least 12 weeks old and less than 6 months on the first day of class. This class focuses on setting your pup up for success as a good member of your family. We will focus on engagement, relationships, socialization, and life skills as well as practical solutions to the challenges of puppyhood. Build a solid foundation that will set you up for a lifetime of living with your pup. Class will cover basic commands and common behavior problems. It will help you understand your puppy better and teach you how to communicate more effectively.
Puppies must have had at least 2 of their 3 puppy shots before starting class.
Beginner Dog
Start HERE as the first training class for your dog who is over 6 months old on the first day of class. You and your dog will be introduced to basic commands such as sit, down, stay, and come, and to walk politely on leash. You will learn to effectively use positive reinforcement while establishing and maintaining criteria. This class should be fun and informative for both you and your dog. You will get homework each week with the expectation that you spend a few minutes each day practicing skills. The class will be geared to what you would like to learn. Our goal is to teach YOU to teach your dog.
Proof of up to date immunizations required.
Basic Obedience
In this class you will learn how to increase skills required for the Canine Good Citizen Test, such as: loose leash walking, sit, down, stay, reliable recall, meet/greet other dogs/handlers and much more. Upon completion of this class, your dog will have the skills needed to be a fine family pet and you will have a good foundation for more advanced training or therapy work. The Canine Good Citizen Test is offered at the final lesson.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of a multi week puppy or dog training class, or instructor’s permission.
Whether you are looking for an opportunity for active play with your dog or you have set your sights on high level competition, training with us will help you achieve your goals. Agility training is fun, good exercise for you and your dog, and will improve your connection. We train to AKC Agility standards, which will prepare you well for competition in any Agility organization. All Agility Classes may be repeated.
Click here for AKC’s Agility Info Page
Agility 1 - Foundations
Dogs and handlers will learn some basic agility commands. They will practice on balance toys, boards, and low jumps, and be introduced to the pause table and short tunnels. Handlers will also learn how to effectively use reinforcement including praise, toys, and food. Your dog will learn to focus on you in a distracting environment while learning games that will increase his/her balance, body awareness, connection, forward focus, drive, recalls, and self-controlStudents are expected to train their dogs at least 5 minutes a day between classes.
Your dog must be at least six months old and must have completed a multi week Basic Obedience or Performance Puppy/Dog class within the past 6 months or have the instructor’s permission. Your dog must be able to obey your cues to sit, lie down, stay, and come.
Agility 2 - Foundations
Using more advanced games, you and your dog will gain greater confidence, focus, self-control, drive, and connection. Your dog will begin to learn to work off leash around other dogs and on both sides of you and improve their recall to you. You will learn the handler ready position and body line, and how to call your dog over and send him/her out toward equipment. You will be introduced to cone work, directionals, and basic agility turns. You will direct your dog through short sequences that include straight and curved tunnels, low jumps, and the pause table. Students are expected to spend at least 5 minutes a day training their dogs in between classes.
Your dog must be at least six months old and have successfully completed Agility 1 Foundations within the last six months or have permission from the instructor.
Agility 3
You and your dog will learn handling skills and verbal cues using cones, low jumps/bumps, and tunnels. Dogs will learn to balance handler and obstacle focus, grow directional skills and contact zone performance. Contact obstacles will be introduced at a low height, and weave pole training begins with your dog learning to weave through 2 poles from all positions.
Successful completion of Agility 2 Foundations within the last six months or have permission from the instructor. Dog must be at least 1 year old.
Agility 4
You will train your dog to use appropriate contact zone behavior on the A-frame, dog walk, and teeter. You and your dog will become comfortable with full height jumps, A-frame, dog walk and teeter, and learn the double, triple, and broad jumps. You will work with your dog toward performing an independent obstacle sequence including the tire jump, table, and U-tunnels, and how to do six weave poles independently from both sides.
Successful completion of Agility 3 within the last six months or have instructor permission. Dog must be at least one year old.
Agility 5
You will work on correct timing for front crosses, rear crosses, serpentines, pinwheels, 180s, and 270s, and more. You will train for reliable contact zone behaviors and weave pole entrances from all angles with speed. This class will prepare you for Novice competition.
Successful completion of Agility 4 within the last six months or have instructor permission. Dog must be at least one year old. Your dog must be able to do all obstacles independently including six weave poles from both sides. As handler, you must be able to send the dog to jumps, tunnels and tables from 5 feet away.
Agility 6
You will work on timing, course knowledge, planning, consistent handling cues, and multiple side changes, as well as handling from a distance, contact proofing, obstacle discrimination, distractions, and speed.
This class is for teams that are already competing in Open, Excellent or Masters. Your dog must be able to do 12 weave poles from either side. Dog must be at least one year old.
Agility 6 Plus
Teams will work on advanced sequences including backsides, difficult weave entrances, threadles, crosses with distance and advanced handling options including layering.
Instructor Approval and dogs must be competing in Excellent, Masters or Premier.
Agility Handling Skills
Short agility sequences will be set up and you’ll be coached through various handling maneuvers to increase your speed and flow on course. You will become familiar with common obstacle patterns seen on agility courses. You will work drills to help you and your dog practice the basics of front and rear crosses and more. These exercises will work to maintain and tune up your skills, as well as to help you solve the puzzles you’ll encounter on course.
Agility - Intro to Trialing
This is a 1 session class intended to help people new to agility trialing feel comfortable and competent. We will talk about what to bring to the trial, what to expect, and strategies for helping you and your dog stay calm and confident. This class is intended as a session for just the handlers, though we can practice measuring dogs if your dog would benefit from that experience. You can ask questions and get the benefit from the experience of a successful agility handler
“AKC Rally® is one of the newest AKC sports and participation increases every year. Whether you just train or decide to compete, Rally develops better teamwork between you and your dog. Just as importantly, it will sharpen your dog’s obedience skills and behavior – at home and in public.”
Click here for AKC’s Rally Info Page
Rally Obedience – Novice
If your dog can sit and lie down on command and walk politely on a slack leash, you are probably ready to Rally! Rally Obedience (also known as Rally or Rally-O) is a dog sport based on obedience. Unlike competition obedience, instead of waiting for 2 the judge’s orders, the competitors proceed around a course of designated stations with the dog in heel position and handlers can encourage their dogs during the course. Even if you don’t want to compete, you and your dog will get a fun evening out once a week while improving your dog’s training at the same time! If registration is low, Novice & Advanced Rally Obedience classes may be combined.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Basic Obedience or permission of the instructor.
Rally Obedience – Advanced
In the Rally Advanced class, your dog will learn to work off-leash. As a team, you will learn the more advanced Rally skills and exercises that are part of Rally competitions, preparing you to work toward a Rally title (Novice, Advanced, Excellent). In competition, the dog and handler proceed at their own pace through a course of 10 to 20 designated stations. At each station, there is a sign providing instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed. If registration is low, Novice & Advanced Rally Obedience classes may be combined.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Rally Novice or permission of the instructor.
Rally Obedience – Master
Learn the skills required for successful competition in AKC’s Master Rally Obedience.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Rally Advanced or permission of the instructor.
“Since all dogs have a natural ability to follow a scent, any breed is capable of learning to track. Tracking requires very little equipment. You just need a harness, a 20-to-40 foot lead, a few flags to mark your track, and an open grassy area free of obstacles such as roads, ditches, or woods.”
Click here for AKC’s Tracking Info Page
Tracking – Beginning
Teach your on-lead dog to follow a scent trail left behind where a specific person has walked. The dogs get the idea very quickly and it’s fun! Owners learn to read their dog’s tracking style. Class will meet twice and run about 3 hours each time, depending on class size. This is an outside dog sport. You will be in a field or park or pasture—be sure to dress appropriately. Bring lots of treats and 2 personal articles such as a sock and a glove. If you have a leash longer than 6 feet and a harness that fits your dog, bring those as well.
Locations do vary. Parcipitants will be notified of the class location (outdoors) prior to the class date.
Tracking - Advanced
This is a specialized advanced class and will focus on improving your dog’s tracking behavior. The class will focus specifically on getting teams ready for tracking tests. Class will meet outdoors off-site (location TBD) so come prepared for all weather conditions.
Locations do vary. Parcipitants will be notified of the class location (outdoors) prior to the class date.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Tracking - Beginning
Urban Tracking
You will help your dog learn to follow a human scent trail through an urban environment that will include cross tracks, distractions, buildings and surface changes. Class will meet twice for about 2 hours each time, depending on class size. You will be notified of class location (outdoors) prior to the class date.
Locations do vary. Parcipitants will be notified of the class location (outdoors) prior to the class date.
Sussessful completion of Tracking Advanced.
Click here for AKC’s Conformation Info Page
Show Handling - Practice
This is a weekly drop-in practice class. No registration or prerequisites required. Experienced handlers will host and help you practice gaiting/stacking/baiting your dog. Your dog will experience having someone touch and examine him, just like in the show ring. Drop-in fee of $10/dog.
Bring proof of vaccinations for your dog.
Show Handling - Junior Handlers
Instructors will teach dog-handling skills and introduce the junior handler to the world of dog shows and the elements of good sportsmanship. Available to any child aged 7 – 18 with a dog they are able to safely control. There is no charge for this wonderful, unique opportunity for our community youth.
Register online for this class on our website. This is not a drop in class.
Scent Work is based on American Kennel Club Scent Work criteria and these classes will teach you and your dog the skills that lead to participation in the sport of AKC Scent Work. Your dog must wear a harness or flat collar that will not impede the dog’s breathing or stride. Dogs will be on-leash, preferably at least 10 feet long. Higher level classes may have off 4 leash options. Instructor permission is needed to enter classes for which teams are not currently eligible
Click for AKC’S Scent Work Info Page
Scent Work 1 - Foundations
Learn the necessary skills to advance in this sport through handler information and games. You will learn many important skills to help your canine partner search for the first scent, birch. Bring soft, yummy treats, a water bowl, and a 10-12-foot lead, and a comfortable harness for your dog. All work is done on lead. You’ll be expected to do daily homework assignments with your dog.
Scent Work 2 - Advanced Foundations
You will build on the foundation skills in handling and training your canine partner as he practices searching for hidden scents. Your team will progress to a second scent – anise. Your dog will search for AKC scent work elements: container, interior, and exterior. Bring the same items as described in Scent Work 1 plus your scented tins, electrical box, and a plastic container.
Successful completon of Scent Work 1 - Foundations or instructor permission.
Scent Work 3 - Beginning Novice
This class will help you and your dog improve searching skills at the Novice level of AKC Scent Work and will prepare you for Novice level competition. Lessons will be increasingly challenging. Lessons will include exercises using essential oils plus handler discrimination; interior/exterior/containers and buried locations
Successful completon of Scent Work 2 - Advanced Foundations or instructor permission.
Scent Work 4 - Novice
This class will give additional practice at the Novice level in all elements and both divisions and introduce teams to the Advanced level of the sport. Lessons will include exercises using the 4 essential oils plus handler discrimination; interior/exterior/containers and buried locations. This class will prepare teams for entering competition 4 at the Novice level.
This level is appropriate for teams who are actively competing at the Novice level of AKC Scent Work or whose performance is equivalent (with instructor’s permission).
Scent Work 5 - Advanced
This class will begin at the Advanced level of AKC Scent Work and progressively increase to the Excellent level. Lessons will include exercises using the essential oils plus handler discrimination; interior/exterior/containers and buried locations. Dogs may be asked to run on or off leash.
Dog/handler teams must be eligible to enter the Advanced or Excellent trial level or be performing at an equivalent level (with instructor’s permission).
Scent Work 6 - Excellent
In this class you will practice skills for Excellent level of AKC Scent Work and progressively increase to Master level. Lessons will include exercises using essential oils plus handler discrimination; interior/exterior/containers and buried locations. Dogs may be asked to run on or off leash. Teams will practice skills such as timing, unknown numbers of hides, high hides, inaccessible hides, blank rooms, deep hides, and off leash handling.
Teams must currently be eligible to enter the Excellent trial level or be performing at an equivalent level (with instructor’s permission).
Scent Work 7 - Master
In this class you will practice skills at the Master level of AKC Scent Work and begin to prepare teams for Detective. Lessons will include exercises using essential oils plus handler discrimination; interior/exterior/containers and buried locations. Dogs may be asked to run on or off leash. Teams will practice skills such as blank areas, high hides, inaccessible hides, deep hides, unknown number of hides, off leash handling, corners, pooling odor, mirror hides, reading air flow and dog independence.
Teams must currently be eligible to enter the Master trial level or be performing at an equivalent level (with instructor’s permission).
Scent Work Detective
In this class you will practice skills needed for running Detective AKC Scent Work. Teams will practice blank areas, very high hides, inaccessible hides, deep hides, pooling odor, mirror hides, reading air flow, dog independence from handler, timing, unknown number of hides, converging odors, blank rooms/areas, threshold hides and off leash handling over large areas, both indoors and outdoors. Class will be in 15 minute intervals with students assigned to one interval over a 2.5 hour time frame.
Teams must have at least one qualifying run in both Master interior and in Master exterior to enter, or be performing, evaluated and accepted with instructor's permission.
Tricks for Titles
This is a 4-session class. Expand your training to earn AKC trick titles! Teaching your dog tricks will help build your connection, give you great warmup exercises that you can use in other sports such as Rally, Obedience or Agility, and lead to AKC Trick Titles!. Trick training will help your dog build strength and flexibility. Trick dog certification will be held on the final day if your dog is ready for certification. Bring lots of yummy treats, a crate, and any training tools such as a clicker or target stick that your dog is accustomed to.
Your dog must be able to wait patiently for their turns, even with the distractions of a multi-dog class.
If your dog is under a year, proof of immunizations is needed.
Click here for TDI’s Therapy Dog Info Page
Therapy Dog Seminar and Certification
This class and certification are under the direction of Therapy Dog International, (TDI). The Therapy Dog class will help you and your dog learn some of the skills needed to bring your dog into hospitals, schools, assisted living facilities or simply to be safer around any person.
For an overview of Testing Requirements, and what each dog/handler team is tested for, please view the TDI Testing Requirements Brochure before registering.
If you sign up for the class, the certification test is included in the cost. The cost of the TDI test, if you don't want to attend the class, is $10. Please note, because of our partnership with TDI, we cannot accept instructor credits nor offer a member discount for the certification test or the seminar.
Barn hunt is a new and quickly growing dog sport that allows dogs of all ages, breeding and background to play a game of hide-and-seek on a course of straw bales while searching for a rat. The rats are hidden in safe tubes in the straw and it’s up to your dog to search them out using his natural hunting skills. It’s up to you to learn to read your dog and know when he’s found a rat! Your dog must be kenneled between his runs. Everyone is expected to help make these classes run smoothly. Read more about this sport at BarnHunt.com.
Barn Hunt Intro
The class is intended for dogs who have had no prior experience with the game of Barn Hunt.
Barn Hunt Novice
Dogs and handlers will learn basic skills needed to perform barn hunts in a safe and controlled way. The rules of competition and safety will be discussed, and rats will be introduced. This class will help you prepare to compete on an Instinct or Novice Barn Hunt course. This class is also appropriate for dogs trialing at a higher level, but who may need more foundation training. Your dog will learn enthusiasm for the game, and you will learn how to interpret what your dog is telling you! No previous barn hunt experience needed for this class.
Dogs must be at least 6 months old.
Barn Hunt Open
Designed for teams competing at the Open level in Barn Hunt. Your dog will learn to navigate longer tunnels, and to continue searching until he is sure that all the rats have been found.
Barn Hunt Senior
Open to teams competing at the Senior level. Your dog will experience tunnels, climbs and searches that are commensurate with competitive Senior level courses.